3 research outputs found

    Analysis of Multi-Threading and Cache Memory Latency Masking on Processor Performance Using Thread Synchronization Technique

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    Multithreading is a process in which a single processor executes multiple threads concurrently. This enables the processor to divide tasks into separate threads and run them simultaneously, thereby increasing the utilization of available system resources and enhancing performance. When multiple threads share an object and one or more of them modify it, unpredictable outcomes may occur. Threads that exhibit poor locality of memory reference, such as database applications, often experience delays while waiting for a response from the memory hierarchy. This observation suggests how to better manage pipeline contention. To assess the impact of memory latency on processor performance, a dual-core MT machine with four thread contexts per core is utilized. These specific benchmarks are chosen to allow the workload to include programs with both favorable and unfavorable cache locality. To eliminate the issue of wasting the wake-up signals, this work proposes an approach that involves storing all the wake-up calls. It asserts the wake-up calls to the consumer and the producer can store the wake-up call in a variable.   An assigned value in working system (or kernel) storage that each process can check is a semaphore. Semaphore is a variable that reads, and update operations automatically in bit mode. It cannot be actualized in client mode since a race condition may persistently develop when two or more processors endeavor to induce to the variable at the same time. This study includes code to measure the time taken to execute both functions and plot the graph. It should be noted that sending multiple requests to a website simultaneously could trigger a flag, ultimately blocking access to the data. This necessitates some computation on the collected statistics. The execution time is reduced to one third when using threads compared to executing the functions sequentially. This exemplifies the power of multithreading

    Efeitos da falha lógica e fuga (dissipação de energia de área) em sistemas criptográficos usando a técnica de clock gating para aprimorar o protocolo na web

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    The last century has seen an evolution in technology that has improved communication systems and, in general, made life easier for people. Our communication systems have become faster and more dependable as a result of the explosion of gadgets and services. But, these upgrades come at a price. The power consumption is one of the most worrying costs. In recent years, the solution involved installing larger, more powerful batteries—so long as doing so did not limit mobility. Today's economic and environmental problems compel us to consider alternative solutions, like methods for lowering the power consumption of digital devices. This study focuses on using digital circuits, which promise to deliver good energy efficiency and desirable performance at very low voltage savings. Certain digital switches are allegedly redundant and not required for the circuit to function properly, yet they continue to use energy. So, one of the primary issues for low power design is reducing such redundant switches. Subthreshold conduction in digital circuits is typically seen as a “parasitic” leakage in a condition where there should ideally be no conduction. Sub-threshold activities thereby reduce the problem of lowering power consumption, but do so at the expense of system throughput deterioration, fluctuations in system stability and functionality, temperature variations, and most critically, design space utilization. In order to minimize some of these redundant switches and to make circuits more energy-efficient while maintaining functionality, this study suggests two novel techniques. It uses an optimization method based on threshold voltage change to reduce glitch power. A glitch-free circuit netlist is created using an algorithm, while still maintaining the requisite delay performance. Using this approach results in a 6.14% overall reduction in energy consumption.El siglo pasado fue testigo de una evolución de la tecnología que mejoró los sistemas de comunicación y, en general, facilitó la vida de las personas. Nuestros sistemas de comunicación se han vuelto más rápidos y confiables como resultado de la explosión de dispositivos y servicios. Pero, estas actualizaciones tienen un precio. El consumo de energía es uno de los costes más preocupantes. En los últimos años, la solución ha pasado por instalar baterías más grandes y potentes, siempre que esto no limite la movilidad. Los problemas económicos y ambientales actuales nos obligan a considerar soluciones alternativas, como métodos para reducir el consumo de energía de los dispositivos digitales. Este estudio se centra en el uso de circuitos digitales, que prometen ofrecer una buena eficiencia energética y un rendimiento deseable con un ahorro de tensión muy bajo. Se supone que ciertos interruptores digitales son redundantes y no necesarios para que el circuito funcione correctamente, pero continúan consumiendo energía. Por lo tanto, uno de los principales problemas para el diseño de bajo consumo es reducir estos conmutadores redundantes. La conducción por debajo del umbral en los circuitos digitales normalmente se considera una fuga “parásita” en una condición en la que, idealmente, no debería haber conducción. Por lo tanto, las actividades por debajo del umbral reducen el problema de disminuir el consumo de energía, pero lo hacen a expensas del deterioro del rendimiento del sistema, las fluctuaciones en la estabilidad y funcionalidad del sistema, las variaciones de temperatura y, lo que es más importante, la utilización del espacio de diseño. Para minimizar algunos de estos interruptores redundantes y hacer que los circuitos sean más eficientes desde el punto de vista energético manteniendo la funcionalidad, este estudio sugiere dos nuevas técnicas. Utiliza un método de optimización basado en cambiar el voltaje de umbral para reducir la energía de falla. Se crea una lista de conexiones de circuito impecable utilizando un algoritmo mientras se mantiene el rendimiento de retardo requerido. El uso de este enfoque da como resultado una reducción general del 6,14 % en el consumo de energía.O último século assistiu a uma evolução da tecnologia que melhorou os sistemas de comunicação e, em geral, facilitou a vida das pessoas. Nossos sistemas de comunicação tornaram-se mais rápidos e confiáveis como resultado da explosão de aparelhos e serviços. Mas, essas atualizações têm um preço. O consumo de energia é um dos custos mais preocupantes. Nos últimos anos, a solução envolveu a instalação de baterias maiores e mais potentes, desde que isso não limitasse a mobilidade. Os problemas econômicos e ambientais de hoje nos obrigam a considerar soluções alternativas, como métodos para reduzir o consumo de energia de dispositivos digitais. Este estudo se concentra no uso de circuitos digitais, que prometem oferecer boa eficiência energética e desempenho desejável com economia de tensão muito baixa. Certos interruptores digitais são supostamente redundantes e não são necessários para o funcionamento adequado do circuito, mas continuam a consumir energia. Portanto, um dos principais problemas para o projeto de baixo consumo de energia é reduzir esses switches redundantes. A condução abaixo do limiar em circuitos digitais é normalmente vista como uma fuga “parasita” em uma condição em que idealmente não deveria haver condução. As atividades abaixo do limite reduzem, assim, o problema de diminuir o consumo de energia, mas o fazem às custas da deterioração da taxa de transferência do sistema, flutuações na estabilidade e funcionalidade do sistema, variações de temperatura e, mais criticamente, utilização do espaço de projeto. A fim de minimizar alguns desses switches redundantes e tornar os circuitos mais eficientes em termos de energia, mantendo a funcionalidade, este estudo sugere duas novas técnicas. Ele usa um método de otimização baseado na mudança de tensão limite para reduzir a energia de falha. Uma netlist de circuito sem falhas é criada usando um algoritmo, mantendo o desempenho de atraso necessário. O uso dessa abordagem resulta em uma redução geral de 6,14% no consumo de energia

    Concept of Cryptographic Operations Based on Code Division Multiple Access

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    It is a given that numerous users connect to a single satellite transponder on a daily basis in order to communicate while discussing any satellite-based technology. As a result, they must all share the resources that are available without compromising the privacy of one another. Thus, the multiple access strategy is employed to achieve this. This paper focuses on code division multiple access, which does not require time slots or frequency slots to be shared across numerous users. The primary source of communication problems is multipath fading; and if the signal undergoes any multipath fading, then the total signal may be distorted. This work presents improved correlation features of the current Walsh code through one simple yet powerful algorithm. Here, a simulation-based method is used to evaluate performance. Utilizing power delay profiles in several mobile radio propagation channels, measurement-based channel models for indoor, outdoor, suburban, and urban environments are derived. The number of taps and tap gains are then estimated using statistics on the path loss characteristics. Since the source, output is known it is compared with a delayed version of the decision device output to obtain an empirical basis for the error rate. The suggested code’s performance is then compared to a few existing orthogonal and semi- orthogonal codes using a variety of performance criteria, and the conclusion is that this proposal is superior